Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What's next?

In an attempt to find myself – I instead have lost myself in 2 very real, fiction characters.
Every now and then– I do what I can to account for the last month of my life – however, in doing this; I am force to admit my affections towards my loving companions Edward and Patch. How odd, and utterly depressing it is too drool over 2 men who obviously only exist in a women’s dreams.

Why must these authors do this to me!?

Having once (or twice – okay MAYBE… a million times over until my sisters ears were bleeding!) I mentioned to my amazingly witty older sister Ang my undying love for Edward. I swore there would never be another so - charming, indulgent, dangerous -mouthwatering- ummmmm…. But I keep hearing these two small words – almost a whisper – Hush Hush…. This led to Patch…UGH!

SOOO, naturally to bounce back from my depression officially leaving Edward in Bella’s arms (sadness) I rushed to the book store and picked up Hush Hush (Becca Fitzpatrick)… 1 week later – done and done – depressed ever so slightly because now I not only lust after 1 fiction character but 2!
Trying to calm my nerves – I decided to pick up a number of books that would take my mind away from the angst of teen paranormal romance. Okay, ready for the embarrassing part?

AGAINST – my amazingly witty, slightly shorter, older sister Ang – I picked up Dead Until Dark (Charlaine Harris) THINKING in some way an adult romance with a vampire spin would take my mind off of the unnecessary unmentionables of YA books. Nearly done, I feel I am losing my mind – Sookie, I do apologize for the rude comment I am about to make towards your intelligence – BUT you might want to consider furthering your education. As I read the Twilight saga or the Hush Hush saga, my angry stemmed from a place of love and sorrow and SIMPLY wanting the 2 who should be in love to prevail! If I am going to be honest, one of my favorite things about Nora is that she dressed extremely cute! And yet, yesterday I found myself disgusted with the simple fact that Sookie was going to wear a Mickey Mouse shirt to bed! At that point, maybe sometime before, I decided this book is stupid.

SO because I am for some ungodly reason committed to at least finishing this book-where do I go from here? Which fictional hunk will I fall for next???!!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


On occasion, I have become moderately obsessive about “things”.

For example, Pirates of the Caribbean…
When the first Pirates movie came out, I was in love. And by the time the third and at the time final movie came out, I was depressed. I had no clue what I was going to do. In order to keep the spirit of the pirates in me, I started naming my cars.
A little background information-which sadly my family can attest to-I go through cars like-like-like bags of coffee. Perhaps not that frequently, but pretty darn close- therefore-
Car 1. (Which actually was Car 2, because I totaled the first one-however Car 1 was named Audrey-which had nothing to do with pirates- but just wait…)
Anyway back to Car 1. Jack Sparrow
Car 2. Elizabeth Swan
Car 3. The Black Pearl (a little black smart car-rather cleaver)
(I realize now I left out a car – Crush-the sea turtle…)
So, in a way my obsessive nature led me to getting into as many fender benders in order to complete the trio of Pirates J
------- yet, this is something completely different----all together
I am not sure what type of obsessive behaviors will result for my current distractions ---- But I would like to formally apologize to all Twilight fans for ever having judge you in the slightest bit---please forgive me *wink*

Update-finished New Moon in less than 48 hours – 200 pages away from finishing Eclipse --- <3 <3 <3